Membership subscriptions are due on the 1st of July each calendar year.
Cost of membership is $10.00 per year.
The types of membership our club offers are single, family or organisation and are the same cost regardless.
However please note that family and organisation memberships entitle the family or organisation to
one vote only at club meetings.
Members receive a quarterly newsletter which contains articles of interest about club activities and poultry keeping in general, discounted prices on entries to our Annual Show, inclusion in our Online Breeders’ Register, access to the Members Area page of this website and are able to vote on matters of importance to the running of our club at business meetings and the annual general meeting. In addition, members are also entitled to membership of the Rare Poultry Breeders Association Members Facebook page.
Gaining membership to the Rare Poultry Breeders’ Association is easy !
Our club’s membership forms are available in PDF or Excel formats and can be accessed using the links below.
For memberships being paid for by internet banking, the club’s bank account details appear on the form.
Our club will not accept responsibility for misdirected funds.
Email your applications and renewals to the club secretary at
[email protected]
PDF Format
Excel Format
The Rare Poultry Breeders' Association - Promoting rare breeds and rare colour varieties of pure bred domestic fowl